You're an artist, I'm a silly jerk

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 8:47 PM 1 comments

I don't know when I'll be able to get online next, so I figured I'd do a blog tonight for this week. My laptop will be gone tomorrow morning, so.. Yeah.

I have noticed that I write too much on here. Too bad. I'll read it someday and appreciate the fact that I wrote so much.

Songs of the Week: Do Better and Crush'd by Say Anything
Thaaank you, Ryan. :D You're fantastic for convincing me to look up more songs by them!! I've been listening to them a lot. I enjoy this music... Even if quite a lot of "Do Better" doesn't make much sense to me at all. ._. I don't think I'll ever get all those lyrics down. That'd be like if I tried to learn all of the words to "One Week" D: Crazy! XP
Of course, I know random lines all over the place and the refrain, but still. Difficulties~
And I really like the song Crush'd~ But I like Do Better more... Though I like singing Crush'd randomly. The lyrics are easier. :3
"Respect to your work. You're an artist, I'm a silly jerk. I think that dynamic could work. So work it. I have a total crush on you, baby, and I can't let it go. I have a total crush on you, baby- baby, if only I could let ya know." It's so catchy~ XD GAH. This band is fantastic. :D Another on my list of favorite bands~

Movie of the Week: Just Like Heaven
I watched this with Sunny the other day. It's very sweet. And kinda crazy. XD

Amazing of the Week: Slushies.
You totally want slushies now, don't you?
Hmm... But those aren't very AMAZINGLY yummy looking pictures.. so.. PUDDING!

Fact of the Week: I've had SO many weird dreams lately. I really, really want to talk about a really funny one I had the other night, but.. if you wanna know just ask in person because I don't think it's a good idea to talk about it on here. XD Not because it's bad or anything, just.. It might be weird. XP It was certainly kinda creepy. And funny. VERY funny. Contains some of the quotes of the week. ;P

Quotes of the Week
"Well, still have a headache... But I have a surprise that makes me smile. I hope it's appreciated." It was. :3 I'm glad people loved it...

"The world may not smile with me today, but tomorrow, when they look back and remember, they will smile. And that's all I want. :3" -Me on Thursday after making the Lollipops. :3 Or before. Whichever. I had the idea as soon as I got home from school, so... X3 God, that made me so happy... To see so many people happy from such a small thing... <3

"I'm happy. Feeling glad. I've got sunshine in a bag~" Quoted from a song by me because I made a happy bag to put all of my lollipops in. :3

"Who smiled today!? ♥" -Meh~

"I smiled. :D" - Kyrie

"I definitely smiled. :D" -Kyrie

""Everyone smiles in the same language." (;" -Kyrie, but this is what her lollipop said. :3

"I will, I will FAIL YOU!" -Mr. O in class to a Queen song.. XD It was FANTASTIC.

"At Erskine I won't have anyone to give me lollipops with panda puppets. ):" - Liz. :3 About me.

"Yeah, like in the book they're like "Harry only hung out with Ron and Hermione and they don't have any friends."" - Sunny

"Gryffindor! Hufflepuff! Ravenclaw! RAVENCLAW!!!" -Me. Yeah. (We were singing along with a song and it was like four in the morning. XD )

(From my dream: 
"Let's just say... I was wrong about carrots"

"You have no idea what I've been through.." 
"No, I know." 
"Really now?" 
"Yeah, you see... Well, in first grade.... A kid told homophobic jokes about me. He was my BEST FRIEND. And he sat there and told 100 jokes about me. I threw him away after that." 
"Ok, you obviously have NO idea what I've been through."

"So, which one of us is dreaming?" 
-thinks about it- "Well, I'm not dreaming.. so if anyone's dreaming, it's both of us." )

"I think it's time to *puts on sunglasses* get me some new pants. YeeEEEEeeeeeEEEeeaaaaaaaAAAaaaaaaaaAaaAahhh~!"

''I hate everyone./ I guess that everyone includes me!/ And that's why I'm a humanist.'' -Say Anything

''You burn so brightly. You burn so brightly in the dark. You burn so brightly. You burn so- you burn so-'' -Say Anything

''EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!'' (Do I have to explain this? I didn't want to, but I will so I can remember what it's about later. XD We were all goofing around and Sunny put her hand on my arm and I turned to her and said "N..Nevah leave meh!" in a creepy voice and we started giggling in weird voices, but then she took her hand off of my arm and I screamed just like that until she put it back (which was a kind of on and off thing) and it was very, very funny. ;P )

''I need a cold shower'' / ''Ah!'' ''Am I that ugly!?'' / ''World Erwin One!'' (We were playing MadGab. But the middle one was because Liz looked over at me and screamed. I'm not ugly, though~ :P )

''Yeah, they make watermellon bowls. Made out of clay. And paint. And watermellon.And the clay is made of watermellon. And the paint, too.'' -Liz and Sunny. It was amazing. XD We were cracking up while they were saying that.

"Let's re-write an ending that fits, instead of hollywood horror." - Great song. <3>

"You're asian? You're so pretty though!" -Chauncy (Totally by accident, but it was horrible and funny at the same time XD )

"Everyone's an awkward mess of a person, god, I'm an awkward mess of a person. It's not a bad thing.(:" - Kyrie. :3

"because you make people laugh noodles on their keyboards :P" -Liz (they were saying why they love me ;D .......Made me smile. It really did.)

"Because you're amazing and you're funny and you're different, which is a gooood thing." -Kyrie (note on Liz's= same here~)

The friendship that can cease has never been real. - Saint Jerome, 374 AD-419 AD

"Unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade's gonna suck."

"I was looking at a paper that I got an A- on, and I noticed that I titled it ''Examples of Wealthy Jerks.''"

Just incase anyone was wondering -Yes, I take these straight from Twitter. XD 
:) I love them, though...
XD I really have a lot of quotes every week, now... I'm glad a lot of them are usually funny, though. XP

Sooo, I've been hanging out with a bunch of my friends a lot. It's fun. We go get slushies and I take random night runs to Wal-Mart. Very amusing. X3 And I've been watching movies a lot with Sunny lately. Fun~ 'Cept there's one (meanie~) fun to hang out with friend who seems to hate me right now. XD 
:P  But I guess it's fine because I can go hang out with Boonie and play and sing music and play many video games. Maybe he'll teach me how to not suck at them. Damn it, I want to learn how to not suck at video games!! XD 
This summer.
Maybe Cen will.. Or I'll just make Boonie teach me. It'll most likely be the second one because Cen and I plan on having like.. spaz hangouts. XP That shall be crazy, but most likely a relief. 

Ooooh, I just remembered something I wanted to talk about on here.. But first...
You know, I write on here like no one reads it. XD So this is pretty much like a journal to me.. But that's ok, because I pretty much write it now so that one day I can look back and read this and remember all sorts of fun things that I've gone through and remember what type of person I was. Hopefully I'll still be a fun, happy person when I'm older. :3

On to what I was going to say-
Last Thursday I went to the Dollar Store in Waterville to buy lots of lollipops. I bought about 52, I think. I came home and spent about three hours writing little notes on pieces of paper, cutting them up, and taping them to the lollipops. The notes were things to encourage people and to make them smile and everything... It was amazing to give them out. I thought my friends would kind of laugh at the idea, but they all loved it and really appreciated it. I gave one to Mr. O that just said "Thank you. Sincerely." because, honestly, he really helped me that day when he talked to me. o.o; I was really horrible that day and I don't think it would have gotten any better without his help. 
Anyway, so I'm so happy because I made so, SO many people smile.. 
I felt so happy that day. I still have a brownie and a lollipop left in my bag o.o; 
I think maybe I should just throw the brownie out, but I don't know what to do with the last lollipop... 
XP I'll figure it out.

Anyway, I have to go finish a paper for English now. Last paper of the year. All I have so far is the introduction.... ._. Due tomorrow. Uh. Damn. But... The introduction sounds really amazing! :D So, at least I have that going for me...? XD

Laptops will be gone tomorrow.... So, almost all contact will be through my phone.


"So, which one of us is dreaming?" "I guess we both are."

"Nope. It was just me."
