Ok, Adsense. Greemblegorf, Adsense.

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:24 AM 0 comments

I know for a fact that people have been on here. People have talked to me about what I've put up on here. Honestly, Adsense, get it right. >.>
The jerk.


Webpage of the Week: ...hehe...

This is spreading around. XD
If you go onto google.com and type in "lol limewire" and hit "I'm feeling lucky" this is what you get. It's from this. XD

Video/Song of the Week: It's Christmas (I Hate You)
I just like how they act together in this video. X3 
And this song is pretty catchy even if it's pretty horrible D:

Picture of the Week:

Secret (Quote) of the Week: "'It's just that.. I don't exist. None of us do.' 'Wow.... I didn't know that.'" 
I giggled quite a bit. :'3

As promised, here's the letter my brother wrote in summer camp when he was about eleven. It's quite depressing. XD
I shall bold my favorite parts~
And I shall italicize my EXTRA favorite parts.

July 20, 1999

Hello Mom.
I'm sorry if the paper is wet because I am crying for you and everybody is making fun of me because of it. They are really disgusting. They burp and fart and then just laugh about it. I got both of your letters today. I cried some more. Thank Joseph and elizabeth ((the jerk didn't capitalize my name..!)) for the pikachu, golem, and psyduck. 
I have been transferred. I am now a button. (insert drawing of a button) There are 3 people who speak english besides me. Their names are Chip, ((I always thought it said Lhip till just now.)) Nick, and David. the other nine people are spanish. I rode a horse today. His name is Ice. ((Thanks. Capitalize a horse's name. I see who's important here.)) He likes me. My score for archery was 35. I need 25 more points for my first Award. I forgot what it is called. My sugars for yesterday and today was 157 and 151. ((He's diabetic. Most people will have no idea what those numbers mean, but those are fairly high numbers.. though he used to go so high that the glucometer just said "high" and my mom would get pissed.)) I forgot and had dessert with dinner those days. Tomorrow will probably be better. 
There is not a word yet invented or how intensely I miss you, so I will make one up. Greemblegorf. Don't laugh because you will hurt my feelings. I have not smiled or laughed since you left. only cried.

((Next Page: The top is smudged as if he poured a tiny bit of water on it and smeared it down the page to make it look like he cried on it that much just to make my mom feel bad. But she was most likely laughing too much to care.))

The days are so long without you. I will probably die of grief if I don't see you soon. I don't ever want to stop writing but then I will never finish the letter. It feels like it has been 65 million* years since I last saw you. We have to swim in a slimy old river. It is NASTY!!!
I tried to walk home yesterday. I was planning on walking to Kerville and having the police bring me home.
But nevermind that. I diddn't. I need a hug and lots of kisses and a big pat on the back. Some of the wierdest things make me start crying. A breeze could come through and remind me of how I would sit on the patio while you cooked a delisiouse dinner That I spent my time savoring every delisious bite... I better stop because I am making myself cry again. I have to go now, Write me a nother letter.
((Then he signed his name. Yah.))
*no exageration! 

So, yeah. Greemblegorf is my favorite word. I said it to my mom the other day and she almost crashed the car because she was laughing so much. Just kidding, she didn't even swerve, but still. >D

I can't believe he diddn't capitalize my name. Pft. Jerk.

The definition of Greemblegorf is quite pathetic. :'3

It is: To be in such a pathetic state, that one actually NEEDS a pat on the back. 


Anyway... I'm unna go be boring some more now. I'm so boring. BORING.




Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 11:58 AM 0 comments

...be gone~!
Done with mah term paper~

That's why this is late.
Oh well~ No one cares~ XD Not even me, really~

Webpage of the Week: Shane Dawson TV

Video of the Week: Honestly, don't ask why. I don't know why.

While I was looking for critics for my paper, this video kept showing up all over the place. ._. I must have heard it like five times.

Definition of the Week: Greemblegorf: To be in such a pathetic state that one desperately needs a pat on the back. (A. Milhomens, 1999) 

Challenge of the Week: Learn to say Irish Wristwatch without stumbling. We've done it, and we didn't even know. Ruined OUR skit idea. D:" Wha
t a shame.

Picture of the Week:

Secret of the Week: Next week, I'm going to share a two page letter my brother wrote... That's pretty much going to be most of my post... Hehe...

I'm starting to make videos~ I made part of one in chorus~ The rest will prolly be made after school today. >D
Blame Sean, though.
I have to add skits. 
I stopped doing it because of the stupid stress of school, but now I'm relaxing and Sean is making me start up again. But I REFUSE to sit there for like five minutes and ramble about NOTHING.
I'm going to do skits, and tell awesome stories, and NOT be boring.
I damn well better, too.
When this school year ends, I won't have a laptop anymore.... -sobs-
But then next year will be my last year of high school!
It'll pass by soooo quickly~ 
AND, next week I get to go to New York and see colleges! D: I'm so nervous and excited!
It hurts~ I wanna go already~
I wish I could go all week.

Well, this is all I'm writing because I slept in Spanish today (we had a sub and watched a boring movie - oops, I fell asleep D: ) and now I'm really, really tired. I wish we could have a free Chem period, too... Mr. Good should let us!

Anywho, byes~

