
Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:02 PM 0 comments

For all I know, it may not even be of the week anymore. It may be more than that. I'm doing this whenever I want to. Yep.

Webpage of the Week: This one.

Song of the Week: This.
XD We. JUST watched this. Smosh is crazy. Wooow. They're not even saying the words most of the time. XD

So I just got prank called a bit ago and I figured it was someone I knew, but I wasn't completely sure so I assumed it wasn't. I never knew I'd react like that to a prank call and I loved it. They asked me for two pizzas in an accent and I replied in the same accent kinda... and they were like 
"So how much is it?" and I said 
"Three million dollars." 
"Ok, well, you better get it here in fifteen minutes, because-"
"We don't deliver."
"Oh. Well..." and they hung up.
Turns out it was Kyrie and Liz. X3 I was happy. I giggled a lot. They called me without the restricted number and sang a Backstreet Boys song at me and Sunny... 
My friends are awesome and strange. XD
Secret Word of the Week: Mask.
I may just update whenever I feel like it to put up new links to share because I enjoy sharing.

Anyway, bye.

~Knurvous E. Phreak



Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 7:33 PM 0 comments

I was going to stop writing these, but what the hell. Why should I? I don't care if I'm late. I'll update once a week, and it may not be on the same day each time.

Webpage of the Week: Peach Stealing Monkeys MP3 Page
It's NOT stealing because it's their own webpage and they WANT people to download the songs, so go crazy! Try it out~ Some of the songs are pretty awesome. :3 I found them a while ago when I was looking for the song Elevator by Hot Hot Heat and all I could find was the cover this band did and I randomly found another song right next to it called Poor Little Fool and downloaded that, too. I really, really like that song. Ukuleles are awesome. Yep. That was about... the start of this school year..? No, maybe a few months after I got this laptop. Yeah.

Videos Of The Week:

Aaaand, my favorite:

I needed to. Yep. Watch them all, because that's really the only interesting thing I'm putting up this week. Yeap.

[EDIT~]Ooh, and -- Song Of The Week: Airplanes
Just because I CAN. NOT. stop singing Haley's part. Honestly. I walk down the halls and sing it to myself because I like it that much.
(By the way, some rap songs actually have meaning to them. Surprised? I'm not. Eminem used to have really emotional songs that were pretty decent. Not my favorite things, but I liked them a little.)

I drew a comic, but I can't scan it on the computer because I'm lame, so unless I end up coloring it and it looks really awesome, I'm going to redraw it and put it up next week... It's really weird and really has nothing to do with anything, honestly. I just thought it up yesterday.. It's so stupid. But I like it, so that's all that matters.

Anyway, I really don't have anything else to say right now. Until next week~

Oh, and this.


~Knurvous E. Phreak
