Wai, heylauw!

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 11:18 AM 0 comments

Hola, peeps of doomithon. 

I am back
from doomworld
to blog.
About boring things.
But hopefully you'll be entertained.
I'll try.

Anyone who's been talking to me this week knows (most likely) that I've been doing one of two things besides the obvious (talking to my boyfriend) with my spare time (which is anytime that I'm not in class doing work) : watching The Lazor Collection (including the amazing 4th one) and reading a super-special blog about a guy's experience reading the Twilight books. So, can you guess the video and webpage of the week?

Not those.

Just kidding!

Yes, I know I put The Lazor Collection on here last week.

Webpage of the Week: Dan's Hilarious Twilight Blog

Movie of the Week: The Uninvited
I actually really liked this movie, even though I was making fun of it the whole time (I always do that during thrillers and horror movies. It makes the experience more enjoyable, to me.) It said on the back of the case that I would be surprised at the ending, and I didn't believe it. I called the case a liar, crumbled it to bits, and fed it to my cat. Then I set my cat on fire and threw her at a gas station that had just had a major spill as I was driving by at high speeds. Later, though, I came back and found the case in perfect condition, which was good because it was a rented movie and I hadn't even rented it, Sunny did.
Anyway, it was right. Even though it made me angry by trying to guess my thoughts. The stupid movie... And even though I was upset that it ended like that, I still thought it was a pretty good ending...

We had watched three movies that night (Halloween night) and the two others were The Last House on the Left (or something like that) and Wrong Turn 3, I think it was... Both of those movies - I wish they had ended before the last scene. 

In The Last House on the Left, he puts the guy's head in a microwave at the last part, and it would have been better if we were led to believe that everything turned out perfectly ok and he hadn't gone back to torture the guy (even IF the guy well deserved it, he should have just died and that's it.) 

In Wrong Turn 3 - Left for Dead, at the end the cop goes back to get the money they all found in the back of an abandoned car, and the serial killer we thought was innocent kills the cop and then gets killed and eaten by a mutant... and if it had ended before this scene, then the girl and the cop would have been rescued and the killer would have dramatically walked off into the distance. We would have thought that they were safe, yet traumatized for the rest of their lives (and got married - we know they loved each other!!!), we would have thought the killer was innocent because he helped them out and whatnot, and we would have thought that all the mutants were killed.


I just downloaded Gimp... Thank you, CJ. I honestly didn't think it would work...
Is it bad that I'm pretty obsessed with going on Yahoo Answers?
Oh, and by the way: THIS.

Oooh, and I forgot to say that we DID get our laptops! Excitement... and then Skype spread through the school like swine flu. (Yes, I DID just say that.)
So, if ever, my skype is XxLizzy231xX because I'll be using that instead of yahoo, msn, and aim since I can't put any of those messengers on my laptop for some stupid reason. But don't expect me to talk on video, I don't like it unless I'm talking to my boyfriend.

Quote of the Week: "Don't worry, he won't go anywhere. I'm going to kill him and staple him to the wall in the band room. Then we can act and he'll still be part of the show. 'What's that Laph, did you say something? No, ok.' It'll work."

Anyway, I think I'm done now. I have other things I could talk about, but it's way too long as it is.. I doubt anyone will read this whole boring thing. X3

I'm off~


P.S. One day I'll write a book that no one will read, I'll make a show that no one will watch, and I'll translate a manga that no one will read.



Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 6:59 PM 2 comments

Video Of the Week: Lazor...

Halloween was... interesting this year.

We went out, realizing that we'd get weird looks because we're old...
First off, Sunny and I carved pumpkins first, then took like an hour to get ready... by the time we left it was about 8pm. >.<
Unfortunately, we didn't take pictures. Some people took pictures of us when we stopped at their house, though.. I don't know what'll happen with that. XD

Anyway, we went and walked down and gots us some candy, then it started to sprinkle. We were like "whoa, it's kinda sprinkling" and I started to worry about my dress, then it started to rain harder and I screamed "RUN FOR COVER!!!" holding my dress and running for the trees. We hid under and behind a really big tree (because it was also windy)
So we were hiding behind a tree, and it got worse and we were still getting rained on quite a bit.. so I had to take my dress off so it wouldn't get ruined. (It's my favorite dress, and I love it, so...) But I had pants on... just no shirt... or bra.. this was a huge problem. so everyone turned around and I hid behind the tree.. Oh, Sunny undid the back of my dress because I couldn't reach it very well..
So, I took the dress off and covered myself up the best I could as sunny shoved the dress into a large plastic bag we had and took her wings off so she could get her jacket off. That took a good 2-3 minutes... and I was soaked D:
It was quite... funny, actually XD
Not to mention my voice sounds really funny because I was part of a haunted house the day before and had been screaming my lungs off. (My voice still sounds really funny.)
So eventually she got me her jacket... and the zipper broke as I tried to zip it up. So I had to borrow someone elses jacket that we were walking with! D: Then we called Sunny's mom and she found us (like 15 minutes later, because we had no idea where we were)

So, yeah, productive night.

The night before I was part of a haunted house, and it was a lot of fun. I found out that I can scream like I'm dying, and that I hate scaring people because I always felt so horrible when they ran away. o.o;
But now I sound silly and people keep giggling at my voice.... oh well.

This isn't going to be very long.... Actually, I'm off!

