Twice...? TWICE?

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 7:10 AM 0 comments

Yes twice, but that's only because I'm not going to be able to go online tomorrow, title box! D: I'm sorry!

Song(musician) of the week:
Fireflies by: Owl City.
Thank you, Sunny. o.o

Question of the week(answer it!!!):
If you had one wish and you were drowning, what would you wish for?

Quote of the week:

"Achoo! Achoo! Car Crash!!!"

Don't ask.

I shall only have one rant today!

So, it's September - blah! September is boring..
I'm just waiting for October for several reasons.
I'm already freaking out and stressing about a couple of things: My Halloween Costume and the term paper we have to do this year.

I have to go to down town Waterville sometime soon (after I get ungrounded, I suppose) because there's a wig store there that has the perfect blond wig for my costume (I wonder how weird I'm going to look blond? Oh well, it won't matter because I'll have so much makeup on.)
I have to figure out how to make stitches look realistic and whatnot, because I need them all over my arms, on every one of my fingers and on my mouth. This is going to be fun.
I need to buy two black and white stripped bows (should be easy to find) and I'll use my Allegria dress (because it's pretty much perfect) unless I can find a cheap but awesome one somewhere... (Hey, it could happen!)
I have wings, so I'm all set there... if it all works out, it should look something like
this with wings or (just putting this up because it's amazing, though I didn't tell her a couple of things) this with wings. Yeah, I forgot the wings... and didn't tell the person who drew the second one about the wings... oops.
Oh, well, whatever. It should be awesome. Oh, and I might carry around a box.
Yes, I still go around with people on Halloween like a little kid.
Honestly, it's mostly because I like walking at night and that's like the one night we can't get in trouble for it. And I loooove costumes. Fun fun~!
Oh... and... gum. Hehehe?

I was told to not worry about the term paper, but the only reason I'm worrying about it is because I'm afraid I'll write a bunch of fluff to make it the right length! D:
Well, I'll just worry about that later...

Anyway, about the question of the week.... it's a trick question, cause even if you did try to talk underwater, I'm pretty sure that the genie wouldn't understand what you were saying and you'd die anyway. Sorry.

I think I'm pretty much done. Yep.
I'm off... to bed.





Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:57 AM 0 comments

How dare I miss a post! I'm such a horrible person, I'll just go force myself to watch Imagination Movers now! D:
(The horror!)

Just kidding. Actually, I'm grounded so I wasn't able to get online that day (not that it mattered, I forgot all about it anyway.)

So for two posts (not including this one) I'll be posting on Friday so it's not more then a day off.

This week's song theme:

90s Music

The quote of the week:

"No, really, you can make milk out of ANYTHING!"

Picture of the week:

Eye luvvles mah neh-phew~



Texting during school:

If texting during school, you must choose the right time. Do not text in class, because you will almost certainly be caught, unless you have a very oblivious teacher.

Do not text while walking down the hallways. There are so many people around, that you may not notice a teacher walking right up to you to snatch the phone.

(Any teacher reading this: I do not text in school.)

Or, well, at least... I usually don't. Not in class, though. Maybe like a one word one during a break or lunch, but it's rare.

Anyway, I'm still obsessed with late 90s music. Very much obsessed. Why is this? The music on that playlist up there.... it's like (is it: A. my brain is floating, B. my heart is crying, C. ...amazing, and stuff)
The answer is.. um... C? Maybe? I really can't think of what it's like. Not all of them are like that, though. Some songs are just ok, others are amazing~

The musical is starting soon, and I haven't even looked up the play.
It's called
Crazy For You and maybe I should even click the link... Hmmm....
Anyway, the auditions are Wednesday and Thursday. Unfortunately, tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment and the next day is the first day of Art Club... I'll skip Art Club, I guess.

Anywho, this one is short because I have to leave now~ Sorry.

I'm off to walk~

