Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 9:04 PM 0 comments

It's been a while. And this won't even be very long.

Webpage of the Week: This one.

Song of the Week: A Walk Through Hell
Just because it's stuck in my head right now and I've been singing the chorus all day. :0

Show of the Week: Supernatural

<3 I love that show more than I've loved any show I've ever seen in my life.

I've been really busy lately.. Kinda.
Between watching Supernatural,
going to driver's ed...
playing DDR,
bleh blah blah bleh.
Staying over at people's houses,
blah blah bleh.
Trying to get a job.
Blah my life is boring. XD

But~ I get to go to a film day camp thing in Augusta for two weeks soon..
Next week I'm going to Rhode Island with Sunneh and we're going to chill out with strangers as much as we can. XD Just kidding. Maybe. ;D

XP Anyway.. I'm unna go. I don't really have anything to talk about..
'Cept Supernatural and DDR..
But that's boring.
-drools over awesomeness-

I'm going to go watch more Supernatural now. I paused an episode to write this.. XP
These'll get better once I catch up to the most recent Supernatural and get more of a life. :D

Actually, I haven't been writing these because of how much I've been doing lately, so that doesn't work..
I've been hanging out with people a LOT lately and it's been a lot of fun. XD
This is really how summer vacation should be.

Secret of the Week: Dean's my favorite.

Other secret: I'm over it. :P

Anyway... Bye. :3



You're an artist, I'm a silly jerk

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 8:47 PM 1 comments

I don't know when I'll be able to get online next, so I figured I'd do a blog tonight for this week. My laptop will be gone tomorrow morning, so.. Yeah.

I have noticed that I write too much on here. Too bad. I'll read it someday and appreciate the fact that I wrote so much.

Songs of the Week: Do Better and Crush'd by Say Anything
Thaaank you, Ryan. :D You're fantastic for convincing me to look up more songs by them!! I've been listening to them a lot. I enjoy this music... Even if quite a lot of "Do Better" doesn't make much sense to me at all. ._. I don't think I'll ever get all those lyrics down. That'd be like if I tried to learn all of the words to "One Week" D: Crazy! XP
Of course, I know random lines all over the place and the refrain, but still. Difficulties~
And I really like the song Crush'd~ But I like Do Better more... Though I like singing Crush'd randomly. The lyrics are easier. :3
"Respect to your work. You're an artist, I'm a silly jerk. I think that dynamic could work. So work it. I have a total crush on you, baby, and I can't let it go. I have a total crush on you, baby- baby, if only I could let ya know." It's so catchy~ XD GAH. This band is fantastic. :D Another on my list of favorite bands~

Movie of the Week: Just Like Heaven
I watched this with Sunny the other day. It's very sweet. And kinda crazy. XD

Amazing of the Week: Slushies.
You totally want slushies now, don't you?
Hmm... But those aren't very AMAZINGLY yummy looking pictures.. so.. PUDDING!

Fact of the Week: I've had SO many weird dreams lately. I really, really want to talk about a really funny one I had the other night, but.. if you wanna know just ask in person because I don't think it's a good idea to talk about it on here. XD Not because it's bad or anything, just.. It might be weird. XP It was certainly kinda creepy. And funny. VERY funny. Contains some of the quotes of the week. ;P

Quotes of the Week
"Well, still have a headache... But I have a surprise that makes me smile. I hope it's appreciated." It was. :3 I'm glad people loved it...

"The world may not smile with me today, but tomorrow, when they look back and remember, they will smile. And that's all I want. :3" -Me on Thursday after making the Lollipops. :3 Or before. Whichever. I had the idea as soon as I got home from school, so... X3 God, that made me so happy... To see so many people happy from such a small thing... <3

"I'm happy. Feeling glad. I've got sunshine in a bag~" Quoted from a song by me because I made a happy bag to put all of my lollipops in. :3

"Who smiled today!? ♥" -Meh~

"I smiled. :D" - Kyrie

"I definitely smiled. :D" -Kyrie

""Everyone smiles in the same language." (;" -Kyrie, but this is what her lollipop said. :3

"I will, I will FAIL YOU!" -Mr. O in class to a Queen song.. XD It was FANTASTIC.

"At Erskine I won't have anyone to give me lollipops with panda puppets. ):" - Liz. :3 About me.

"Yeah, like in the book they're like "Harry only hung out with Ron and Hermione and they don't have any friends."" - Sunny

"Gryffindor! Hufflepuff! Ravenclaw! RAVENCLAW!!!" -Me. Yeah. (We were singing along with a song and it was like four in the morning. XD )

(From my dream: 
"Let's just say... I was wrong about carrots"

"You have no idea what I've been through.." 
"No, I know." 
"Really now?" 
"Yeah, you see... Well, in first grade.... A kid told homophobic jokes about me. He was my BEST FRIEND. And he sat there and told 100 jokes about me. I threw him away after that." 
"Ok, you obviously have NO idea what I've been through."

"So, which one of us is dreaming?" 
-thinks about it- "Well, I'm not dreaming.. so if anyone's dreaming, it's both of us." )

"I think it's time to *puts on sunglasses* get me some new pants. YeeEEEEeeeeeEEEeeaaaaaaaAAAaaaaaaaaAaaAahhh~!"

''I hate everyone./ I guess that everyone includes me!/ And that's why I'm a humanist.'' -Say Anything

''You burn so brightly. You burn so brightly in the dark. You burn so brightly. You burn so- you burn so-'' -Say Anything

''EEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!'' (Do I have to explain this? I didn't want to, but I will so I can remember what it's about later. XD We were all goofing around and Sunny put her hand on my arm and I turned to her and said "N..Nevah leave meh!" in a creepy voice and we started giggling in weird voices, but then she took her hand off of my arm and I screamed just like that until she put it back (which was a kind of on and off thing) and it was very, very funny. ;P )

''I need a cold shower'' / ''Ah!'' ''Am I that ugly!?'' / ''World Erwin One!'' (We were playing MadGab. But the middle one was because Liz looked over at me and screamed. I'm not ugly, though~ :P )

''Yeah, they make watermellon bowls. Made out of clay. And paint. And watermellon.And the clay is made of watermellon. And the paint, too.'' -Liz and Sunny. It was amazing. XD We were cracking up while they were saying that.

"Let's re-write an ending that fits, instead of hollywood horror." - Great song. <3>

"You're asian? You're so pretty though!" -Chauncy (Totally by accident, but it was horrible and funny at the same time XD )

"Everyone's an awkward mess of a person, god, I'm an awkward mess of a person. It's not a bad thing.(:" - Kyrie. :3

"because you make people laugh noodles on their keyboards :P" -Liz (they were saying why they love me ;D .......Made me smile. It really did.)

"Because you're amazing and you're funny and you're different, which is a gooood thing." -Kyrie (note on Liz's= same here~)

The friendship that can cease has never been real. - Saint Jerome, 374 AD-419 AD

"Unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade's gonna suck."

"I was looking at a paper that I got an A- on, and I noticed that I titled it ''Examples of Wealthy Jerks.''"

Just incase anyone was wondering -Yes, I take these straight from Twitter. XD 
:) I love them, though...
XD I really have a lot of quotes every week, now... I'm glad a lot of them are usually funny, though. XP

Sooo, I've been hanging out with a bunch of my friends a lot. It's fun. We go get slushies and I take random night runs to Wal-Mart. Very amusing. X3 And I've been watching movies a lot with Sunny lately. Fun~ 'Cept there's one (meanie~) fun to hang out with friend who seems to hate me right now. XD 
:P  But I guess it's fine because I can go hang out with Boonie and play and sing music and play many video games. Maybe he'll teach me how to not suck at them. Damn it, I want to learn how to not suck at video games!! XD 
This summer.
Maybe Cen will.. Or I'll just make Boonie teach me. It'll most likely be the second one because Cen and I plan on having like.. spaz hangouts. XP That shall be crazy, but most likely a relief. 

Ooooh, I just remembered something I wanted to talk about on here.. But first...
You know, I write on here like no one reads it. XD So this is pretty much like a journal to me.. But that's ok, because I pretty much write it now so that one day I can look back and read this and remember all sorts of fun things that I've gone through and remember what type of person I was. Hopefully I'll still be a fun, happy person when I'm older. :3

On to what I was going to say-
Last Thursday I went to the Dollar Store in Waterville to buy lots of lollipops. I bought about 52, I think. I came home and spent about three hours writing little notes on pieces of paper, cutting them up, and taping them to the lollipops. The notes were things to encourage people and to make them smile and everything... It was amazing to give them out. I thought my friends would kind of laugh at the idea, but they all loved it and really appreciated it. I gave one to Mr. O that just said "Thank you. Sincerely." because, honestly, he really helped me that day when he talked to me. o.o; I was really horrible that day and I don't think it would have gotten any better without his help. 
Anyway, so I'm so happy because I made so, SO many people smile.. 
I felt so happy that day. I still have a brownie and a lollipop left in my bag o.o; 
I think maybe I should just throw the brownie out, but I don't know what to do with the last lollipop... 
XP I'll figure it out.

Anyway, I have to go finish a paper for English now. Last paper of the year. All I have so far is the introduction.... ._. Due tomorrow. Uh. Damn. But... The introduction sounds really amazing! :D So, at least I have that going for me...? XD

Laptops will be gone tomorrow.... So, almost all contact will be through my phone.


"So, which one of us is dreaming?" "I guess we both are."

"Nope. It was just me."



Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:55 AM 0 comments

;D I'm kinda early, but it's so long that if I write any more it'll be WAY too long and... ._. Knu does not want this.

Webpage of the Week: Twitter
Because I have a new obsession. Help. Me. ._.

Song of the Week: Meet Virginia
I meant to put this up a while ago, but I guess I got distracted. o.o;

Video of the Week: Britt's Song
Um.. It's the song I really want you to watch. Watch, I mean it. Like, her expressions make it even better. XD I.. I died a little..

Picture of the Week: 

I enjoy his jokes... And this picture. Much enjoyment. Yus. I love that joke... :'D Aaah....

Quotes of the Week: "I'm magical. Like a gay priest in a nursing home. 'Cause everyone turns gay when they go to nursing homes. Duh.'' -Sunny (It really has nothing to do with anything. I love randomness... XD )


''No, no, no. I have to convince myself out of this. Even if it's what I want, I have to make myself believe it's not.''  ''But do you realize how you're harming yourself in the long run?''   ''I'll be fine.''   ''That's called denial. Get ahold of yourself.''

"11:11 All I can see in my eyes is the city."

''I want some jello...''

''That means that sheep can survive on the moon.''

''Seriously, guys. I want some jello.''

''....onion. Onion in a can.''

"What do you think would happen if you put a toaster in a microwave and turned it on for twenty minutes?"

"A horse ate Alex's leg before he was born..We just found out today and we're having a hard time dealing with it."

''Oh, that's cool then. Do I get to meet your siblin--''  ''NO!!!!''

''Did he alive?''

''I'm against that.''

''Defriended. DEFRIENDED!!''

"''Page 394.'' Snape, that last one just didn't make sense and was not needed at all."

''What time is it!?'' ''It's HaHa Now You're Poor time!!!'' 

"Movie Harry Potter is very moody compared to book HP. He keeps shoving people and now he's crying a lot. Now he yelled. Ok, now he's angry."

And that's it. That's a loooong list of quotes. XD I enjoy them...

Monday was a vacation day. Woo! >D
Sunny was over at my house a lot and we started watching this show called Criminal Minds and then I played a game. Yeah. And like... I felt awesome that day.

Tuesday was horribly amusing. I stayed up late the night before because I thought we were giving our laptops back the next day so I was transferring things onto my computer in my room. I was up until like... 1:30 in the morning. I should have started earlier, but now I know that we didn't even have to until next Tuesday. =A=
I was tired, I'd been laughing about everything all morning. It was very amusing. I kept laughing at the word "Onion." Seriously. That's a funny. word.
And I kept saying "I want jello...."
Don't you want jello now!?
I bet you do.

But I want to talk about the dream I had that previous night, though I'll leave out some weird details.

There was a dance at the school, and for some reason I really wanted a new dress for it and I was upset because I couldn't get one. (I really don't care about those things.) My mom had some friends over and I was in my dress. I told my mom that I needed to take a shower because for some reason one of her friends was using our shower, so I had to wait. Her friends were all around me, for some reason, and everyone seemed to be paying close attention to me. One of her friends was like "Can you help me out?" and explained she wanted revenge on someone. We somehow were in a supermarket, then, and we were near the food you can like... scoop into containers and buy. Well, she scooped it onto the back of my neck and shoulders. It was like.. weird cheese cake or pasta or something weird like that. I was horrified because I hadn't said yes and everyone was like "That wasn't something you should have done" and stuff to the girl. I can't really remember what happened after that, but I ended up having to walk somewhere (either to the dance, or to get a new dress - I can't remember) and I saw this dog. It was very sad, and I... understood, I guess I could say. It was weird. But it was a dog kinda like this one, so I was terrified. It then got really angry and jumped at me, and I tried to shield my face with my arms like... one on my forehead and the other near my mouth, which was a horrible idea because he could still get to my face that way. Then he bit my arm and I flung him off and fell to the floor, where I tried to go into fetal position so I would maybe get less damaged - then I woke up. :| I have strange dreams. That dog freaks me out. 

Wednesday was all worky and stuff. I did a project all night, then I went to a concert thingy. Then I came back and finished the project thing. Yep.

I've been thinking... I kinda noticed recently that I really, really like helping people. If someone needs me, I'm almost always right there to help them. Honestly, I've walked to Boonie's in the middle of the night just because he really needed someone to talk to. I've stayed up all night talking to Chelsea or Sunny or many other people because they needed my advice or many other things...
And I've been wondering about karma. I'm not a horrible person.. I mean, I even get angry at myself if I think the tiniest mean thing about someone else. And I mean REALLY angry at myself. If I had a list of the people I scolded the most, I'd be at the top of that list with my name bolded, underlined, and in red. I'm really hard on myself all the time. I can't help it, though. I can't just change that.
You know how that would work? I'd be like "Ok, so I'm going to try to think nice things about myself."
Later something would happen and I would think something like "Well, that was stupid. You're a moron. You deserve to have your head smashed in. No, no, no, no! Don't think like that, you idiot. You promised you wouldn't. You liar, maybe you really SHOULD have your head smashed in."
And so on. My mind works like that. The weird thing is that I really don't think like that about anyone else at all. I have a set image for myself. I want to fit that image. If I don't, then I won't like myself. It's important that I do, otherwise I'm just going to be a horribly depressing and stupid person that really DOES deserve to have her head smashed in.
But as I stand now, I think I just deserve hugs and smiles. Because that's what I give.
Wait, I was talking about karma. Yeah, where's my good karma? I was thinking.. I was a sweet little kid, what horrible thing did I do that caused karma to say "You know what... no daddy for you. Also, your brothers are going to hate you for at least ten years. Good luck with that, kid. Oh, and your mom really isn't going to pay much attention to any of you, either." I'm confused by this. And now? Yes, I had a bad month or so, but it wasn't because there was anything wrong with my life - WHICH IS SO STUPID! It was just because of a stupid chemical imbalance in my body that caused me to be all depressed and anti-social and uncreative. I sat down the other day and just jotted down 6 skits all at once. None of them were in my head beforehand. And I'm hanging out with people all the time now, too. Or, whenever I can. Stupid rain...
But unfortunately, what's going on with me now can't be fixed with medication because there's nothing wrong with me. All that's going to fix it is communication and time. And NOT getting angry at anyone. Even myself. Actually, especially myself. Because if I get angry at myself (which I admit that I've been doing a LOT) I end up wanting to (or actually) hitting myself and just being a total wreck.
Also, though it's not as constant as it used to be, I have these odd moments where I feel like nothing exists. If you haven't ever felt like this, it's really not something I can describe. But it's scary as hell and I usually just call myself stupid and make myself not think about it and it goes away. Hopefully this'll just stop. It's really, really frightening. ._. I'm serious. I hope I'm the only one who's felt like that.

Wow, that was a weird rant. Anyway, karma, I'm waiting for you to be nice to me~ Meanie..
I'll make you cookies? And cupcakes? Hm? Please? I'll draw you a purty picture?
I drew a cute chibi today..? Pleeeease??

Anywho... I think I should go. I've destroyed enough people's view on me by now.

~Knurvous E. Phreak

Oooh, and I have a favorite flower now!!


It's like we're picking up trash in dresses~

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 9:45 AM 0 comments

I forgot to mention that Adsense is working again. X3

Get ready for the first long post in a very long time!! I hope it will make you smile. I know I was smiling while typing it. Ah...

Webpage of the Week: omgpop
I don't know who introduced all of us to this webpage, but a LOT of people in my school are nearly obsessed with it. It has lots of games to play. :3 I like the pictionary one, personally. ^.^ But I've always liked things like that. (It's supposed to be in all caps, but I don't like typing things like I'm yelling at people ._. )

This: Yep.

Song of the Week: A Beautiful Mess 
I've been singing it since yesterday and I'm learning to play it on guitar now... I really, really love this song. It's so sweet. There's this message in it that.. well, it's not full of compliments. It's up sides and down sides and how they're both perfect, or something. Explains that the perfect person isn't perfect. :3 It makes me smile. It's so sweet. This was this year's Allegria's most popular Waltz song. ^.^ 

On a side note, that line in the title... "It's like we're picking up trash in dresses" ..... Am I the only one who imagined Jason Mraz in a dress after that line? I can't be. He DID say "we," you know.
Damn it. XD That's soo far stuck in my head. Get. OUUUT. 

Quotes of the Week: "Because, my dear, I need to smile, not have it just plastered on my face. You see the difference?"

"Well, it's like- 'Your dad's name is Walter, your name is Walter, that's weird.' " - Sunny

"I have a drink."  "I have a Jew. He lives in my basement and makes me cheese." - Kyrie

"You know... A butterfly is a symbol of change." "I've seen so many today!"

"...GAH! It's not THEIR fault he had a heart attack! He would have still had a heart attack INSIDE!!!"

"Anything is possible. The only problem is finding out how."

"I'm serious. Anyone know how serious I am? I'm so serious that I'm not joking. I'm so serious that I make jokes anyway so I seem unserious. But I'm serious. Srsly."

I had to get a shot the other day. =A= Another shot in the muscle. Owchie. My arm still hurts if I press it. Oh well. They gave me another awesome bandaid :D So it's officially worth it. It was orange this time, so yesterday when I got home from school I changed into an orange shirt to match it! (I must say, I felt really pretty yesterday. Especially with my awesome doom sword. I was told that it's not bad to feel pretty, so I will not feel bad for it!! )

The other day beFORE I got the shot, I was talking to an awesome person (who is officially my hero - I'm not even joking right now) who managed to make me honestly happy for the first time in a long time and since then I've noticed a lot of things. 
For example, I changed from who I was.. I became way, WAY too negative. I do take into account that it could very well be because of that stupid chemical imbalance in my body, or whatever, that made me take those happy pills - they really, really helped after like a month or so, which was what was supposed to happen. 
Since I've realized this, I'm nearly back to normal. 
Of course, I'm still not 100% ok, but I want to be the me that I used to like being. Now I don't like who I am. It's better to like yourself, right? When I always tried my best to make everyone around me have fun and smile and laugh and it would make me smile in turn because everyone was so happy. ^.^ I enjoyed that. I have no idea what happened that I stopped doing that. 
I won't let this fall again, because that's who I am.. 
That's who I love to be. 
Happy-go-lucky Lizzy who is a complete spaz.
You know you love it, though.
Of course, there are things I'm keeping of who I changed to. For example, I became more.. whatever about liking things. 
Who cares if someone's like "Uh, why would you like that?" ???? D: 
"Because I want to, BETCH."
Yeah. I said it.
But I stay with the not swearing unless I'm really REALLY hyper or angry. Because I don't like swearing. Yep.
I don't think I want to wear an awesome outfit for PortCon anymore, though. I don't really want to at all. We'll see what happens. Maybe I'll just wear a pretty outfit. :/
I've been playing guitar all morning. :3

I have all of today off because of SATs. That means I have a four day weekend. Woo~
But today I'm home all alone. All. Day. T.T 
Yes, I'm a scaredy cat. My mom is on call and won't be home until like seven or eight tomorrow morning. =A=

Now that I've realized this about myself, I'm kinda happy. I think I'll end it on that..? XD

I will most certainly die. =A=
Hopefully I'll get over it.

Anywho.. Byes!

~Knurvous E. Phreak



Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:02 PM 0 comments

For all I know, it may not even be of the week anymore. It may be more than that. I'm doing this whenever I want to. Yep.

Webpage of the Week: This one.

Song of the Week: This.
XD We. JUST watched this. Smosh is crazy. Wooow. They're not even saying the words most of the time. XD

So I just got prank called a bit ago and I figured it was someone I knew, but I wasn't completely sure so I assumed it wasn't. I never knew I'd react like that to a prank call and I loved it. They asked me for two pizzas in an accent and I replied in the same accent kinda... and they were like 
"So how much is it?" and I said 
"Three million dollars." 
"Ok, well, you better get it here in fifteen minutes, because-"
"We don't deliver."
"Oh. Well..." and they hung up.
Turns out it was Kyrie and Liz. X3 I was happy. I giggled a lot. They called me without the restricted number and sang a Backstreet Boys song at me and Sunny... 
My friends are awesome and strange. XD
Secret Word of the Week: Mask.
I may just update whenever I feel like it to put up new links to share because I enjoy sharing.

Anyway, bye.

~Knurvous E. Phreak



Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 7:33 PM 0 comments

I was going to stop writing these, but what the hell. Why should I? I don't care if I'm late. I'll update once a week, and it may not be on the same day each time.

Webpage of the Week: Peach Stealing Monkeys MP3 Page
It's NOT stealing because it's their own webpage and they WANT people to download the songs, so go crazy! Try it out~ Some of the songs are pretty awesome. :3 I found them a while ago when I was looking for the song Elevator by Hot Hot Heat and all I could find was the cover this band did and I randomly found another song right next to it called Poor Little Fool and downloaded that, too. I really, really like that song. Ukuleles are awesome. Yep. That was about... the start of this school year..? No, maybe a few months after I got this laptop. Yeah.

Videos Of The Week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-LZFB5P-tY







Aaaand, my favorite:

I needed to. Yep. Watch them all, because that's really the only interesting thing I'm putting up this week. Yeap.

[EDIT~]Ooh, and -- Song Of The Week: Airplanes
Just because I CAN. NOT. stop singing Haley's part. Honestly. I walk down the halls and sing it to myself because I like it that much.
(By the way, some rap songs actually have meaning to them. Surprised? I'm not. Eminem used to have really emotional songs that were pretty decent. Not my favorite things, but I liked them a little.)

I drew a comic, but I can't scan it on the computer because I'm lame, so unless I end up coloring it and it looks really awesome, I'm going to redraw it and put it up next week... It's really weird and really has nothing to do with anything, honestly. I just thought it up yesterday.. It's so stupid. But I like it, so that's all that matters.

Anyway, I really don't have anything else to say right now. Until next week~

Oh, and this.


~Knurvous E. Phreak



Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 1:39 PM 0 comments

I'm very bored. Yep. 

I wish my stupid brain would be creative AND studious, instead of one or the other.
One of the reasons is that I can't think of what to write on this damn thing and so I keep waiting to write it and being late. >.> Grrrrrrrrr.

Plus, the guy who made the comic is funny~ :3

Video of the Week: This one.

Quote of the Week: "O..Oh! Well, if it isn't.. B-Barbara... Logan-Price."

Picture of the Week:

>.> Stupid picture. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't get it to be smaller. =A= Faaail~

Anyway.... Um... Uh....
Someone punch my brain into creative mode. >.> It will be in the summer, but for now it's.... dead. I'm sad/mad about it. D:"

Um.............. ._. Bye!


Secret of the Week: FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!! D<


Project for meh...

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 12:45 PM 0 comments

I'm going to start actual video projects. I will start with a music video, just because it seems to be the easiest. I need to find a song, though... I'm going to search and search until I find a perfect one!! Yep. :3

Webpage of the Week: Questionable Content
I read all of this in like three days.. Or four. Something, anyway. The style changed a LOT. ._. It's craaaazy!

Random Fact of the Week: The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.
Don't check me on that. >w>

Quote of the Week: "What's wrong, Mr. Fingers? Do you not like my mouth words?"
It just.. I really like that line, for some reason. It's from Salad Fingers.
I read pretty much all of that Wiki post. That is very, very rare for me to do. Yep.

Picture of the Week: 

Secret of the Week: I'm writing a book... SHHHHHH!!!!

I missed last week, even though I started this in time to put it up... Lame. And I've almost missed this week, too! D:
Whatever. Doesn't really matter that much. 
Um... I don't really have anything to say this week.




It's cold in here

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 12:21 PM 0 comments

Not even lying.

Webpage of the Week: MLIA
I know I've put it up before, but I've been on it a lot lately. Srs. I'm on page 200. I'm a sad, sad person.

Song of the Week: Passion or Hikari - Utada Hikaru
You know what... People should give songs a chance. I'm so sick of people who don't listen to songs just because they assume they won't like them. It's stupid. My music taste is like.. All over the place. I guess that means Indie, right? I think so, anyway..

Secret of the week: Seven Pounds has like.. The WORST piano music EVER. ARE YOU TONE DEAF? OH MY EFF. GAAAAAAAH Listen to that link... OH MY EFF.... ._.

So I just beat Kingdom Hearts 356/2 last night... Then stayed up until like 2 in the morning. And woke up at like 9.

I like Kingdom Hearts, and I usually love the gameplay, but this one wasn't as enjoyable as the others. It was just like an endless cycle of mission after mission after mission and I suppose it's because for the DS there isn't as much memory available as for the Playstation 2.

So I'm on this medicine that say insomnia is a symptom.. I haven't exactly had that, because I get tired fairly early, but I'm filled with this urge to not go to sleep.... which is new to me. XD Different. But, whatever. I've stayed up until two or one for the past few days, and I always end up waking up earlier than I want to. Last night I got about seven hours of sleep.

I am rambling. Oh, and I messed up last time, or the time before or something. I'm going to New York City this Thursday and I'm staying until Sunday sometime (probably late). Hopefully I'll get to go to Vassar to visit.. My mom is still thinking about it, and I was just told to print off a map so they could think some more about it. Meh. I hope they say yes, though.. That would be nice..

I really, really wanted to read Harry Potter again, but I'm still on the first book. XD This is so sad. I suck at reading now, I guess. I guess it's just that I know the story so well that it's already in my brain and stuff. X3

I think I should go now. I'm going to go on a really long walk with Julie, Issac, and hopefully Sunny and Boonie. That's always fun..

Anywho.. Byes~



Ok, Adsense. Greemblegorf, Adsense.

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:24 AM 0 comments

I know for a fact that people have been on here. People have talked to me about what I've put up on here. Honestly, Adsense, get it right. >.>
The jerk.


Webpage of the Week: ...hehe...

This is spreading around. XD
If you go onto google.com and type in "lol limewire" and hit "I'm feeling lucky" this is what you get. It's from this. XD

Video/Song of the Week: It's Christmas (I Hate You)
I just like how they act together in this video. X3 
And this song is pretty catchy even if it's pretty horrible D:

Picture of the Week:

Secret (Quote) of the Week: "'It's just that.. I don't exist. None of us do.' 'Wow.... I didn't know that.'" 
I giggled quite a bit. :'3

As promised, here's the letter my brother wrote in summer camp when he was about eleven. It's quite depressing. XD
I shall bold my favorite parts~
And I shall italicize my EXTRA favorite parts.

July 20, 1999

Hello Mom.
I'm sorry if the paper is wet because I am crying for you and everybody is making fun of me because of it. They are really disgusting. They burp and fart and then just laugh about it. I got both of your letters today. I cried some more. Thank Joseph and elizabeth ((the jerk didn't capitalize my name..!)) for the pikachu, golem, and psyduck. 
I have been transferred. I am now a button. (insert drawing of a button) There are 3 people who speak english besides me. Their names are Chip, ((I always thought it said Lhip till just now.)) Nick, and David. the other nine people are spanish. I rode a horse today. His name is Ice. ((Thanks. Capitalize a horse's name. I see who's important here.)) He likes me. My score for archery was 35. I need 25 more points for my first Award. I forgot what it is called. My sugars for yesterday and today was 157 and 151. ((He's diabetic. Most people will have no idea what those numbers mean, but those are fairly high numbers.. though he used to go so high that the glucometer just said "high" and my mom would get pissed.)) I forgot and had dessert with dinner those days. Tomorrow will probably be better. 
There is not a word yet invented or how intensely I miss you, so I will make one up. Greemblegorf. Don't laugh because you will hurt my feelings. I have not smiled or laughed since you left. only cried.

((Next Page: The top is smudged as if he poured a tiny bit of water on it and smeared it down the page to make it look like he cried on it that much just to make my mom feel bad. But she was most likely laughing too much to care.))

The days are so long without you. I will probably die of grief if I don't see you soon. I don't ever want to stop writing but then I will never finish the letter. It feels like it has been 65 million* years since I last saw you. We have to swim in a slimy old river. It is NASTY!!!
I tried to walk home yesterday. I was planning on walking to Kerville and having the police bring me home.
But nevermind that. I diddn't. I need a hug and lots of kisses and a big pat on the back. Some of the wierdest things make me start crying. A breeze could come through and remind me of how I would sit on the patio while you cooked a delisiouse dinner That I spent my time savoring every delisious bite... I better stop because I am making myself cry again. I have to go now, Write me a nother letter.
((Then he signed his name. Yah.))
*no exageration! 

So, yeah. Greemblegorf is my favorite word. I said it to my mom the other day and she almost crashed the car because she was laughing so much. Just kidding, she didn't even swerve, but still. >D

I can't believe he diddn't capitalize my name. Pft. Jerk.

The definition of Greemblegorf is quite pathetic. :'3

It is: To be in such a pathetic state, that one actually NEEDS a pat on the back. 


Anyway... I'm unna go be boring some more now. I'm so boring. BORING.




Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 11:58 AM 0 comments

...be gone~!
Done with mah term paper~

That's why this is late.
Oh well~ No one cares~ XD Not even me, really~

Webpage of the Week: Shane Dawson TV

Video of the Week: Honestly, don't ask why. I don't know why.

While I was looking for critics for my paper, this video kept showing up all over the place. ._. I must have heard it like five times.

Definition of the Week: Greemblegorf: To be in such a pathetic state that one desperately needs a pat on the back. (A. Milhomens, 1999) 

Challenge of the Week: Learn to say Irish Wristwatch without stumbling. We've done it, and we didn't even know. Ruined OUR skit idea. D:" Wha
t a shame.

Picture of the Week:

Secret of the Week: Next week, I'm going to share a two page letter my brother wrote... That's pretty much going to be most of my post... Hehe...

I'm starting to make videos~ I made part of one in chorus~ The rest will prolly be made after school today. >D
Blame Sean, though.
I have to add skits. 
I stopped doing it because of the stupid stress of school, but now I'm relaxing and Sean is making me start up again. But I REFUSE to sit there for like five minutes and ramble about NOTHING.
I'm going to do skits, and tell awesome stories, and NOT be boring.
I damn well better, too.
When this school year ends, I won't have a laptop anymore.... -sobs-
But then next year will be my last year of high school!
It'll pass by soooo quickly~ 
AND, next week I get to go to New York and see colleges! D: I'm so nervous and excited!
It hurts~ I wanna go already~
I wish I could go all week.

Well, this is all I'm writing because I slept in Spanish today (we had a sub and watched a boring movie - oops, I fell asleep D: ) and now I'm really, really tired. I wish we could have a free Chem period, too... Mr. Good should let us!

Anywho, byes~

