Ever, ever forever?

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:14 AM 0 comments

I'm putting this up today because I'll forget tomorrow. From now on, I'm going to be putting posts up on Friday's... at least until we get our laptops.
Have you ever listened to a song that made you feel like you were floating up above and away from everyone? A song that makes you take big breaths and sighs, that fills your mind up with so much happiness that you just have to grin, and you may even get a headache?

Every once in a while I find a song like that, and I can't stand it, but I love it so much.

The song I found is a song I put up on here a couple of weeks ago. I liked it a lot when I first heard it, but the more I listen to it the more I adore it. This is my favorite "band" from now on. He's amazing, seriously.

It's Owl City -

I can't stand it, I love it so much.

This is the type of music I listen to and know I'll never make something so amazing (not that I have enough skill to be a musician) if I tried. Which is why I'm fine with just listening to it and gawking over it all.

The thing with me is.... I love writing, but I love music more than anything. I have much more talent writing, though.... prolly because it's easier than making music. Stories can pop up anywhere. Music can also, but it's a lot harder to put it all together and make something people like, including yourself (which is, of course, the most important part).

It's somewhat the same if I watch a movie I really like, or an Anime, read a book or a Manga, or really do anything. I'll get this feeling that's like... "I wish I could do something like that. That's absolutely amazing."

Of course, though, I'll never be able to. I used to be really great at things, but it's like I stop at a certain point. I can't get any better at the clarinet, or drawing, or anything.

Depressing, yes?

It's just so annoying. I wish, as everyone does, that I had the power to do whatever I wanted to. Create my dreams for people to know.

Quote of the week:
"You see... every time you enter a room, it's just... amazing."
Yeah, not funny, I know. I thought it was adorable~
Though it's all in my head.

Video of the week:
Part one, Part two


Song of the week:
First All Time Low song I heard (I looked it up that first time because I read some of the lyrics on someones AIM and was interested - it sounded really familiar)

I tried to find my current favorite by them, but all I could find of that song was this really weird sounding version. It doesn't sound anything like my CD and I don't like it very much. >.>

Anyway, I have nothing more to rant about. This is so much fun sometimes~

I'm off!

