It's pretty crazy

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 10:27 AM 2 comments

I started off with maybe like two hits a post on my first one, then it went to about ten each post, and now it's about 30 to 40. I'm wondering if people are actually reading it, or if I'm just getting random people clicking my link then clicking off the page. o.o
It's prolly that.

Webpage of the Week:

Because I've been using it a LOT.

Song of the Week:
Caged Bird - DNAngel
It's really pretty. :'3

Dance of the Week: The chicken dance. ;3

Story of the Week: RA
Because I really wish I could make a short film about this.

Animes are funny. And weird.
DNAngel has its strange moments. I was watching an episode the other day where Daisuke just kept calling Riku over and over again for like ten minutes. He walked away at one point because it was still busy, but then he rushed back to the phone to call again. Then he counted to ten and called again. He was really upset every time it was busy. Eventually, like the freak he was, he biked to her house. I know it was just a set up to what was going to happen, but it was stupid and I was like "WHAT. IS. THIS?!" and kept making random arm flails because I didn't understand.

There was more that I was confused about, but I honestly can't remember it.

Do lee da la~


Apparently if your videos get enough views, YouTube starts a partnership with you and you get money for views, or whatever. Ad work, I suppose. I doubt I'll be able to do that even if I try, but it would be pretty damn cool. I could get money for this AND making videos. Though, I bet my mom would want me to get a job anyway. Pft. Oh well~ I need the mulah for college anyway~
The sooner I start saving, the better~
It's not like I don't have all of those money thingies. What are they... Um... My grandparents gave them to my mom for me when I was little and they'll be a few thousand dollars when I'm 18 or something like that. So if I need to, when I start having to pay loans I can dip into those.

I totally want to make t-shirts.

One day I shall publish a book!

I'll make shows!

Music videos!

And publish some more books!

A series or two!

Or more!

Then I shall have a webpage, as well!


And still have YouTube and DeviantArt!

Because WOO!

Anyway, I'm not wanting to do all this stuff to become famous. I wanna do this stuff so that I can put my stories out there - and not be homeless. So I shall sign my pen name as "Knurvous" so that I won't really be known. And my picture in the back shall be drawn by myself and will be a chibi, prolly. ^.^
Or maybe it'll be like "K.P.T." Or something. (Knurvous Phreak is the full name.... ;D Guess what the last is.)
Sorry. I know I'm a dork. XD

Anyway, I should go to sleep. I have school in the morning! D: PHAIL~

Nighty night~



Oh, Adsense

Posted by Lizzy Milhomens On 1:03 PM 1 comments

Says I don't have any money on here, but I had like twenty monies.. Hm.
Things that have happened this week: I forgot to post, then I posted this one late. I went on a trip with my family that was pretty much disastrous. I lost a lot of sleep. I missed a lot of school that I don't even have to make up. Finally, I didn't get anywhere in my video project so I think I'll do some small projects first.

I really seem to suck at updating this. I usually really want to, too. These last couple of weeks, I just haven't wanted to. I suppose I'm just being lazy.

Webpage of the Week: It's really random, I tell you!


Look through these and think to yourself "Who asked if they could bring this??" because that's what I did, and it's funnier that way. 
Though, I have to say... it was really upsetting for me to read this. I wanted to bring my paint thinner.

Song of the Week: Cemetery Drive - By: My Chemical Romance
Just because. I want to pick Pants Dance, but I don't have a link to it.
It's ALWAYS the song of the week. If you want it, email me and I'll send it to you.
And, also, don't just say "Meh, I don't like MCR so I'll hate that song." Just listen to it. You may like it. (Also, I don't like their recent crap. Just like Green Day, pretty much. >.< )
Though I'm not saying you'll like it. But you might. But maybe not.
So... Listen to it? For me? Please?

Song of Last Week: You Don't Know Me - Ben Folds
I was listening to this nonstop since Sunny showed it to me. I really like it. I don't care if you listen to that last song, as long as you listen to this one.
I haven't really watched many, and I don't find them as funny as Sunny does, but whatever. They are pretty silly. And somewhat vulgar. By the way, am I the only person that uses that word? Whenever I say it, people look at me funny like I'm using it wrong. I'm not, though, I swear!

My friend Prank showed me this. And sang it to me. X3 I love it.

Airports are really interesting places. 
There's always that person that looks like they're talking to themselves, but they have one of those ear phones in... 
And all the times that I plugged my laptop in and went on it, some person came up and wanted to use the plug, too, so they ended up sitting next to me or near me. 
They have expensive food that really isn't worth the money... 
And there's always some bad tempered people about just glaring at random people. 
At one point I was actually talking to my laptop because I was in a Skype chat talking to a bunch of people. Felt kinda foolish. It's ok, though.

The plane trip was interesting. 
I was really tired, so I freaked out and was hyperventilating on the first plane as we went into the air... But I was fine when we were up there, 'cept through turbulence. 
Then on the second plane, I was even worse... I freaked out so much that I started crying and I told my mom that we were going to die and that I wasn't crying because I was scared, I was crying because I was sad. 
Then, as soon as we were above the clouds, I craaashed. Seriously, it was a two hour plane trip and I was asleep the whooole time. I've never done that before.
On the ride back, after a stressful trip with angry family members and my brother Joe (because he was the awesome part of the trip along with Issac), there was a really funny flight attendant that made me grin a lot when he was telling us all the required stuff.

Now that all of that ranty boring stuff about me trip is over, I should talk about something unrelated to myself.

(I'm a pirate. Arrrgh!)

I've been thinking about people in cars. We were driving a while ago, and I usually watch as cars pass when I'm bored, but the driver in the car next to us was just looking out his window. The whole time we passed him. He most likely crashed later on. 
People really shouldn't do that, but I don't blame them. Other people are really interesting. No one is the same, and watching cars pass by is a way of seeing all sorts of people. But he prolly did die. I'm prolly going to die like that.

There are so many things I could talk about right now, but I feel that I'd be half talking about me anyway while I'm talking about them, so I prolly should just tell a story or something.

Quillip was a quiet boy who liked to watch the wind outside the window during class. Even though he did this, though, he passed every class with an A. So, about a 95 or something. (In my mind that's an A. If it's not in yours... shut up, you're wrong. Maine grades suuuck. They just don't make sense!) 
One day he decided he wanted to have class on the roof of the building. Of course, the teachers would not allow it and laughed at him for suggesting it. It was a horrible idea. He made this face at them- :| 
Then sat down in his seat, being all grumpy. 
Eventually, he made a petition. But it wasn't a petition, it was a threat letter. It said "If you don't let us have class on the roof, then the school will most likely suffer hell." 
They giggled at this and even read it over the announcements to the students. The students took it seriously, though, and were scared for their school. 
Eventually, the school turned all evil and stuff. Then the teachers were like "OH NO" and said if it stopped being hell, then they'd let the students have class on the roof if they wanted to. 
So it stopped and Quillip was happy to have roof class for every class- especially lunch. 
One day during roof class, Quillip got bored and decided he didn't like school anymore. Quillip grew wings and flew away going "QQUUUIR" like the bird he was. 

Can you find the moral of the story? No?
Moral: Quillip was actually a bird the whole time and stuff.
Stupid teachers.
Yeah, I know that's not how "the moral of the story" works. Shuddup. 

Anyway, I think I'll end it there.

Till next time!

